(you must be 18 and older to order
- please exit if under 18)
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CD Specials
P. O. Box 554
Bridgeport, Michigan
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____ Adult Cartoon Booklets from the 30's
and 40's - $20 plus $3.95 Shipping and Ins = $23.95
I, the undersigned, attest that I am 18
years of age or over and wish to order adult content CD's from CD
Specials, P. O. Box 1554, Bridgeport, Michigan 48722-1554. I
understand that this is Copyrighted material and that I will never
make duplicate copies of the disc contents. I agree that I will never
publish any of this material in any printed form, other than for my
own personal use, and/or publish any of the material on any website I
may own. It is fully understood that these are for my own personal
use and to show my personal friends and family. All discs are in JPG
format and are pre-tested. If by some chance you get a bad disc that
won't work please return it for a no charge replacement. All sales
are final.
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